Review of Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) Treatment

Management: For the management of KCS, mostly three regimens are used. 1) Ophthalmic antibiotic eye-drop. 2) Artificial tears like Hydroxymethyl cellulose. 3) Immunosuppressive agents like cyclosporine, tacrolimus, etc. Natural tears contains essential nutrients for eye health which are lacking in artificial tears. So, sole administration of artificial tears for longer period of time may not help in long run. It decceletare the aggression of lesion. But sequel is bad. While administration of immunosuppressive agents helps to increase the production of tears by lacrimal glands. It is beneficial in long run. Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus are the most common immunosuppressive eye-drops available in market. Tacrolimus is studied very little in canines and are found to highly toxic in dogs. I prefer prescribing these: - antibiotic eyedrop for 7-10 days (KCS makes the eyes susceptible bacterial infections) - artificial tears for 1-2 months (then stopping it in tapered manner) - immunosuppressive eye drops for whole life. Please provide your valuable feedback regarding this treatment protocol.

Last commented 1255 days ago