Regenerative Medicine For Arthritis: Part 1
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Regenerative Medicine For Arthritis: Part One
Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
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American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Lake PlacidA little about me... I like to keep busy
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- Not a starfish growing a new leg
- Reparative?
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Stem cells? – MSC’sp.3 -
p.4 p.4
- My Approach:
- What about chronic OA patents that are at end stage and its affecting quality of life even on conventional treatments?p.4 -
p.5 p.5
IA Injections - Options
- Corticosteroids
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Regenerative Medicine
– Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
– Stem Cell Therapyp.5 -
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Which do we use? Mild OA
Prospective trial of autologous conditioned plasma versus hyaluronan plus corticosteroid for elbow osteoarthritis in dogs.
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A dog study – but not a vet med one
Multiple injections of leukoreduced platelet rich plasma reduce pain and functional impairment in a canine model of ACL and meniscal deficiency.
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- Validation?Concentration of platelets and growth factors in canine autologous conditioned plasma
Copyright 2017
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Which PRP System?
Canine Platelet-Rich Plasma Systems: A Prospective Analysis
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Regenerative Medicine - PRP
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- 50cc of blood – 4 cc of platelets
- Positive effects on angiogenesis and extracellular matrix remodeling
- Fibrin for matrix
- Growth factors –VEGF, TGFB, IL8
- Cell proliferation and differentiation
- Stem cell recruitment and chemotaxisp.10 -
p.11 p.11
Platelet Rich Plasma
Post Spin: Want
- Increased # of platelets
- Increased # of granules with growth factors
- Monocytes
– Increase in cellular metabolism and collagen production
- Decrease release of ant- angiogenic cytoines
– IL-12 and Interferon gammaPost Spin: Don’t Want
- RBC’s
– Damage cartilage and synovium
- WBC’s/Inflammatory Mediators
– Cause synoviocyte deathHow do YOU find out?
– CBC machinep.11 -
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Platelet Rich Plasma
Post spin: Unsure
- Lymphocytes
– Unknown significance
– Helps stimulate collagen productionPost spin: Don’t want
- Neutrophils
– Increase IL-1B, TNF-alpha, IL- 6, IL-8
– Increased MMP-9
- Degrades collagen and other ECM moleculesp.12 -
p.13 p.13
Let’s Make PRP
- Shave – sterile prep
- 10cc ACD – 50 cc whole blood
– 4cc PRP
- <30 pound dog?
– 5cc ACD, 25cc whole blood
- 2cc PRP
– 2.5cc ACD, 12.5cc whole blood
- 1cc PRPp.13 -
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Giant PCV tube
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Weigh it
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Counterbalance 1g H20=1ml
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Spin time
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First Spin
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Look at that buffy coat!
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Pull off the PPP
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Platelet Poor Plasma
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2nd spin – 7 minutes total
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Pull off to 4cc remaining
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Re-suspend – aka Agitate
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50cc blood – 4cc PRP
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- Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Regenerative Medicine For Arthritis: Part 2
Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA, Diplomate, ACVSMRVetScope -
Regenerative Medicine For Arthritis: Part 3
Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA, Diplomate, ACVSMRVetScope -
Care of the Down Dog Pt. 2
Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA, Diplomate, ACVSMRVetScope -
Physical Rehabilitation as Part of Multimodal Pain Management
Mary Ellen Goldberg, BS, LVT, CVT, SRA, CCRVN, CVPPVetScope