Veterinary Team Meetings
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Veterinary Team Meetings
Jane Bindloss DipMgt, RVN(UK)
SANE Management Solutions for Veterinary Practicesp.1 -
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Why do we need them?
-To bond and build
-To train
-To clear the air
-To manage change
-As a forum to voice concerns
-To present state of the businessp.5 -
p.6 p.6
-Ward rounds
-Day-planning meetings
-Weekly team meetingsp.6 -
p.7 p.7
No surprises!
-Plenty of notice – time, date, venue
-Attendance is mandatory for all
-Post agenda
-Previous meeting minutes and actions
-Reports -Matters for discussion
-Further business
-Next meetingp.7 -
p.8 p.8
Get ready...
-Organise room
-Word up key team members
-Post ""Items for Discussion"" listp.8 -
p.9 p.9
-Start and end strictly on time
-Allow time for discussion
-Team members should come to the meeting with background information
-Circulate minutes and actions of last meetingp.9 -
p.10 p.10
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p.11 p.11
Who attends and who runs the show?
-All team members
-Organise rosters
-Outside speakers
-Rotate the chairperson each meeting
-Rotate the minute- takerp.11 -
p.12 p.12
Use standard meeting protocol
-Explain protocol
-No interrupting
-Be polite
-Explain Minutes
-With delegated actions will be taken
-Provide opportunity to give feedback
-Go around the group and ask
-Chairman performs job appropriatelyp.12 -
p.13 p.13
-Quizzes, games
-Team-building exercises
SANE Management Solutions for Veterinary Practicesp.13 -
p.14 p.14
The Negativity Vortex!
-Whingeing, whining
-Keep all discussion impersonal
-Turn problems into opportunitiesp.14 -
p.15 p.15
It's all too scary!
-Comfortable, open exchange
-Create atmosphere
-Open forum where all are equal
-Word up dominant personalities
-‘We’ not ‘you’
-Provide non-threatening environment
-Neutral venue – not the bosses office!
-Refreshmentsp.15 -
p.16 p.16
A happy ending
-Ensure all agree or concede
-Wrap up and halt discussion
-Document summary,including individuals'concernsp.16 -
p.17 p.17
Minutes and action plan
-Written up and circulated as soon as possible
-Identify individuals who volunteered for or who were delegated tasksp.17 -
p.18 p.18
Summary 5 take-home points
1. Correct Culture = Successful Business
2. Create a great meeting environment
3. Meetings bond the team
4. Good manners
5. Enjoy yourselves!p.18 -
p.19 p.19
-How to Chair and Run Meetings by Nina Valentine, Penguin Pocket Series.
-Quick Team-building Activities for Busy Managers by Brian Cole Miller, American Management Association.
-Death by Meeting
by Patrick Lencioni, Jossey-Bass. Distributed by the Australian Institute of Management.p.19 -
p.20 p.20
ABC Veterinary Hospital Team Meeting - Matters for Discussion
Item Name (optional)
1 2 3 4 5p.20 -
p.21 p.21
Saturday 16th August 2019 1pm Metro Meeting Rooms 1 Smith St., Brownsville, Melbourne.
1. Welcome:
2. Apologies:
3. Minutes of last meeting:
4. Actions from last meeting:
5. Customer Service Experiences:
6. Matters raised:
7. New business:
8. Training:
9. Safety in the Workplace:
10. Summary of actions:p.21 -
p.22 p.22
ABC Veterinary Hospital Team Meeting Action List
Date Action Who Due Date Done?p.22
How to Generate 33% Net Profit from a Vet Who is Doing It
Michael Archinal, BVSc, PTC(Hons), Cert(IVAS)VetScope -
Debtor Management #6: Debtor Management Protocol
Michael Archinal, BVSc, PTC(Hons), Cert(IVAS)VetScope -
Time Management for Overloaded Vet Teams
Jane Bindloss, DipMgt, RVN (UK)VetScope -
Debtor Management #3: The True Cost of Debtors to Your Practice
Michael Archinal, BVSc, PTC(Hons), Cert(IVAS)VetScope