Calcium deficiency and diseases associated with it.

Calcium deficiency About 99% of total body Calcium and 75% of body Phosphorus are found in skeleton Teeth contains 80-85% of total P.70% Ash of the body contains Ca & P. The remaining calcium is present in extracellular fluid and in various tissues especially the skeletal muscles. Functions of calcium in the Body  Normal transmission of nerve impulse and neuromuscular excitation.  Capillary & cell membrane permeability  Normal blood coagulation  Maintaining total body health  Normal growth and development  Keeping the heart beating  Regulating blood pressure  In the physiological actions of a number of hormones (particularly those associated with the thyroid and parathyroid glands)  Cell structure  Absorption of vitamin B12. Factors affecting calcium absorption  As calcium level in the diet increases, serum calcium level increases.  During pregnancy & Lactation, calcium absorption increases.  As Age increases, absorption decreases  Oxalate forms insoluble salt. So absorption is reduced  Increased acidity increases absorption  Ca : P ratio (in diet) also influences absorption Factors affecting serum calcium levels  Higher Estrogen levels interfere with Ca metabolism in bone.  Hypomagnesaemia decrease Ca mobilization from bone  Coliform mastitis – toxin decrease serum Ca & P levels.  Parathyroid deficiency (fever, foot and mouth disease, trauma, aging, excess Ca for prolonged period)  Deficiency of vit D  Unfavoured Ca/P ratio due to soil conditions  Interference of acid pH Disease conditions  Rickets & Osteomalacia – (Discussed under Vit D deficiency)  Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis occurs when the composition of the bone is normal, but the mass is so reduced that the skeleton looses its strength and becomes unable to perform its supporting role in the body. In this case, fractures may occur due to minor falls and bumps, or bones may even break under their own weight.

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