Giardia in dog

動物種 Dog
年齢 2 years
品種 Schnauzer mini
性別 Male

Beau its a patient i treate since it was a puppy, he came to the clinic last saturday because has symptoms of enteritis, onwer reported the patient has diarrhea with a lot of mucus. in the general exploration it has a bit of pain in the abdominal palpation. The abdominal ultrasound only has inflamation of bowel and increase of peristaltic movements. in the stool test, i see some forms compatible with Giardia, so i did an ELISA snap to Giardia, and got possitive results! i treated the patient with metronidazole, probiotics, meloxicam, special diets and now Beau its feeling very good! i would like to know what treatments do you use in a case of Giardia?

最新の投稿 1331 days ago