What if your pet eating unknown(unwanted) items..

Is Your Pet Eating: Sand, Stone, Metal, Grass, Hairs, Cloths, Plastic and even its Own Faeces (Poop). Then You Should Know: PICA Pica is eating of unwanted non-food materials also known as allotriophagia, classified under obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). You Should Think About: Hunger Boredom Stress or anxiety Worm Infestation Deficiency of Zinc, Iron, Cobalt, Phosphorus Diseases like Anemia, Liver, Pancreatic, Diabetes and G.I. disease Ask Yourself: Is feeding is in routine? Is feed balanced and nutritional? Is your pet getting enough exercise? Is appropriate amount of attention being given to pet? Are appropriate numbers of dog chew or play toys made available to pet? Your pet might suffer from: Drooling, Choking Abdominal pain Gastrointestinal blockage, Ulcers, Vomiting, Diarrhea. What to Do Now? Consult Veterinarian

最新の投稿 1195 days ago