Microscopic diagnosis of Spirocerca in dogs.

Fig : 1 : To confirm identification of S. stercoralis, the fecal sample can be cultured for 2–4 days and examined for third-stage larvae, which have a distinctively long esophagus (arrow indicates junction of esophagus and intestine) that is not seen in lungworm or hookworm larvae. Fig: 2 : . Strongyloides first-stage larva. In a fresh fecal sample Strongyloides larvae need to be differentiated from larvae of lungworm species. A prominent genital rudiment (inset) and a straight tail lacking accessory spines are helpful in identifying first-stage Strongyloides larvae. Fig 3: Spirocerca eggs do not float con- sistently in common flotation solutions. These larvated eggs are more elongated than Physaloptera eggs. Photo courtesy of Dr. Isabelle Verzberger-Epshtein, NRC Institute for Nutrisciences and Health, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
