Introduction to nutrition: Basics and essential nutrients
p.1 p.1
Introduction to nutrition:
Basics & essential nutrients
Nutrition series – 1
Dr. Sarah Wilsonp.1 -
p.2 p.2
Introduction to nutrition - Outline
- Essential nutrients for dogs & cats
- Digestion & absorption
- How to evaluate basic nutrition
- Energy requirements – introduction
- Helpful resources & referencesp.2 -
p.3 p.3
Why is nutrition important?
- Every patient needs food
- Hippocrates
- Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food
- If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and
exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have the safest way to healthp.3 -
p.4 p.4
Essential nutrients
- Essential nutrients are required in adequate amounts from an outside source as the animal cannot make enough (or any) to support their needsp.4 -
p.5 p.5
Essential nutrients
- Basic categories of essential nutrients
- Water
- Energy
- Amino Acids
- Fatty Acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- (& others)p.5 -
p.6 p.6
Essential nutrients - Water
- Most important essential nutrient
- Requirements are equivalent to daily energy needs
- Fresh, clean source of water should always be available
- Remember preferences (cats – location, type of dish/flow)p.6 -
p.7 p.7
Essential nutrients
- Energy
- Amino Acids
- Fatty Acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- (& others)p.7 -
p.8 p.8
Essential nutrients – Energy
- Energy obtained from macronutrients
- Protein, fat, & carbohydrate
- Calories = kcal
- The first requirement to be met by diet
- Protein & carbohydrate provide ~4 kcal/g
- Fat provides ~ 9 kcal/g (twice as calorie dense!)
- Pet foods use modified Atwater factors for energy conversion
- Protein & carbohydrate (3.5 kcal/g) & fat (8.5 kcal/g)p.8 -
p.9 p.9
Dietary Energy
Gross Energy GE
- Fecal energy lost
Digestible Energy DE
- Urinary energy lost
- Fermentation losses (negligible)
Metabolizable Energy ME
- Dietary thermogenesisp.9 -
p.10 p.10
Essential nutrients
- Amino Acids
- Fatty Acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- (& others)p.10 -
p.11 p.11
Essential nutrients – Amino Acids
Amino Acids (or nitrogen source)
Essential AA for dogs PHILL MT VAT
Essential AA for cats PHILL MT VATT
Dietary Protein(plant & animal sources)
-Nonessential amino acids
-Tyrosinep.11 -
p.12 p.12
Essential nutrients
- Fatty Acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- (& others)p.12 -
p.13 p.13
"Essential nutrients – Fatty Acids
- Essential Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids
- Linolenic, linoleic, *arachidonic
- Dietary Fat (plant & animal sources)
- Concentrated form of energy
- Facilitates absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
- Enhances palatabilityp.13 -
p.14 p.14
Essential nutrients
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- (& others)p.14 -
p.15 p.15
Essential nutrients - Vitamins
- Vitamins – organic molecules
- Fat soluble - Vitamins A, D, E, & K
- Water soluble – B-complex vitamins
- Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine (B6), biotin, folate, cobalamin (B12), pantothenic acid, & choline
- vitamin C – Essential: humans, non-human primates, fruit-eating bats & guinea pigs require
-Dogs & cats can synthesize vitamin C – Non-essentialp.15 -
p.16 p.16
Essential nutrients
- Minerals
- (& others)p.16 -
p.17 p.17
Essential nutrients - Minerals
- Minerals – inorganic molecules
- Macrominerals
- Ca, P, Mg
- Na, K, Cl (electrolytes)
- Trace minerals - Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, I, & possibly othersp.17 -
p.18 p.18
Essential nutrients
- (& others)p.18 -
p.19 p.19
Conditionally essential nutrients
- Other nutrients *
- Taurine
- Carnitine
- EPA & DHA * growth & reproductionp.19 -
p.20 p.20
Dietary Energy
Gross Energy GE
- Fecal energy lost
Digestible Energy DE
- Urinary energy lost
- Fermentation losses (negligible)
Metabolizable Energy ME
- Dietary thermogenesisp.20 -
p.21 p.21
Digestion & Absorption
- Digestion breaks down larger complex molecules into simplest form of essential nutrients
- Mechanical digestion – mastication, mixing, & peristalsis through gastrointestinal tract
- Chemical digestion – splitting chemical bonds of complex nutrients via metabolic enzymesp.21 -
p.22 p.22
Digestion & Absorption
- Gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
- Mouth – food mixes with saliva, bolus of food with little to no chewing;
- *taste sweet/bitter
- Esophagus – megaesophagus, strictures
- Stomach – storage & chemical digestion, as well as some peristaltic movement
- Pyloric sphincter controls rate of passage of food (influenced by fat, volume, fiber, etc.)
- Small Intestine – fat digestion, nutrient absorption at brush border of microvilli
- Nutrient absorption via passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, & active transport
- Large Intestine – Colon – main function to absorb water & electrolytes
- Microbiome – may digest indigestible fiber (and other nutrients)
- Vestigial cecum - catp.22 -
p.23 p.23
Digestion & Absorption
- Important factors affecting absorption
- Vitamin/mineral interactions – excesses, nutrient sparing
- Patient health status – chronic enteropathies, surgeryp.23 -
p.24 p.24
How to evaluate basic nutrition
WSAVA Global Veterinary Development
Nutritional Assessment Guidelinesp.24 -
p.25 p.25
How to evaluate basic nutrition
- Nutritional Assessment
- Patient evaluation – Physical examination
- Bodyweight history
- Body condition score
- Muscle condition scorep.25 -
p.26 p.26
How to evaluate basic nutrition
- Body Condition Score BCS – every visit
- Two scales
- 1-5
- 1-9
Images from: mmittee/English/Body-Condition-Score-cat.pdf & mmittee/English/Body-Condition-Score-dog.pdfp.26 -
p.27 p.27
How to evaluate basic nutrition
- Muscle Condition Score
MCS – every visit
- Scale
- Normal, mild, moderate, & severe muscle loss
Image from: mmittee/English/Muscle-Condition-Score-Chart-for-Dogs.pdf & Cats.pdfp.27 -
p.28 p.28
How to evaluate basic nutrition
- Any red flags – investigate further
- Further history details
- Possibly diagnostics
- radiographs, bloodwork
- Need to implement a plan
- Diet (+/- treats, supplements)
- Feeding plan with details
- Monitoring & follow - up
Images from: Nutritional-Assessment-Checklist.pdfp.28 -
p.29 p.29
Energy requirements - introduction
- Resting Energy Requirements (RER) – the energy needed for a normal unfasted animal at rest under normal temperature conditions
- Maintenance Energy Requirements (MER) – the energy needed to keep an animal in a maintenance state
- Includes activities necessary for work, growth, reproduction, lactation
- Also referred to as Daily Energy Requirement (DER)\p.29 -
p.30 p.30
Energy requirements - RER
- RER calculations (provide an estimate of daily resting energy requirement)
- 30 x (Body weight in kg) + 70
-70 x (Body weight in kg)0.75 Metabolic body weight = kg0.75
- Example: 10 kg dog (M/N, 3 y, BCS5/9)
- 370 kcal / day RER
- 394 kcal / day RERp.30 -
p.31 p.31
Energy requirements - MER
MER = RER x Factor = estimate of maintenance energy requirement
- Intact Adult 1.8
- Neutered Adult 1.6
- Puppies < 4mos 3.0
- Puppies >4 mos 2.0
- Obese prone 1.4
- Low activity 1.4
- Weight loss 1.0
- Critically ill 1.0
- Intact Adult 1.4
- Neutered Adult 1.2
- Kittens < 4mos 3.0
- Kittens >4 mos 2.0
- Obese prone 1.0
- Low/No activity 1.0
- Weight loss 0.8-1.0
- Critically ill 1.0p.31 -
p.32 p.32
Energy requirements - MER
- MER = RER x Factor = estimateof maintenance energy requirement
- Neutered Adult 1.6
- RER (previously calculated)
- 370 kcal / day (linear)
- 394 kcal / day (allometric)
- Example: 10 kg dog (M/N, 3 y, BCS 5/9)
- MER = 592 kcal / day
- MER = 630 kcal /dayp.32 -
p.33 p.33
Energy requirements - MER
- National Research Council (NRC, 2006)
- Uses a multiplier & metabolic body weight
- Active ME maintenance = 132 kg0.75 kcal/day
- Lean cats ME maintenance = 100 kg0.67 kcal/day
- Overweight cats ME maintenance = 130 kg0.40 kcal/dayp.33 -
p.34 p.34
Energy requirements
- Remember that calculations for RER & MER are estimates
- Can be used as a guide to evaluate patient needs – starting place
- Energy calculations can differ up to +/- ~50% of actual individual needsp.34 -
p.35 p.35
Helpful internet resources & references
- World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Global Nutrition Guidelines -
- American College of Veterinary Nutrition
- American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition
- Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians
- http://nutritiontechs.orgp.35 -
p.36 p.36
Helpful internet resources & references
Table 2 Useful web sites for client and starff education
1.AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials(Nutrien profiles,feeding trials,ingredients)
2.AAHA American Animal Hospital Association
3.AAVN American Academy ofo Veterinary Nutrition
4.ACVN American College of Veterinary Nutrition(Specialty college for board certification; list of institutions that provide consultation; continual updates of links to resources for diet formulation and analysis)
5.AVNT Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians
6.European Society of Veterinary Clinical Nutrition
7.FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(regulatory and safety issues,adverse event reporting,meetings,industry infomation)
8.FDA Pet Food Site(information,links,food safety issues,recalls,pet food labels,selecting nutritious food,handling raw foods)
9.European Pet Food Industry(Nutritional guidelines,guide to good food practice)
10.Indoor Pet Intiative(Comprehensive recommendations for environmental enrichment for dogs and cats.)
11.NRC National Research Council(Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats)
12.NRC Downloadable booklets.Your Cat's Nutritional Needs and Your Dog's Nutritional Needs.Versions for pet owners:BANR Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources Petdoor Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats.
13.NIH Office of Dietary Supplements(Evaluating supplements,internet health info,and more)
14.University of California Davis Diet History Form(Downloadable Word document)
15.Pet Food Institute(Information on ingredien definitions,labeling regula-tions,etc.)
16.United SStates Pharmacopeia Dietary SUpplement Verification Program(voluntary program)
17.USDA Food and Nutrition Information Center(General supplement and nutrition information,links to a variety of dietary supplement websites)
18.USDA Nutrient Database(full nutrient profiles on thousands of human foods) -
p.37 p.37
- Small Animal Clinical Nutrition 5th Ed. (Hand et al., 2010)
- Nutrient Requirements of Dogs & Cats (NRC, 2006)
- Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition (Fascetti & Delaney, 2012)
- Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO, 2018)
- Manual of Veterinary Dietetics (Buffington et al., 2004)
- Canine and Feline Nutrition, A resource for companion animal professionals (Case et al., 2011)p.37
Instrumentation and Scaling Teeth
Sandy Gregory, M.Ed, RVT, VTS (Physical Rehab) , CCRAVetScope -
Basics of Behavioral Medicine
Mami Irimajiri, BVSc, PhD, Dipl. ACVBVetScope -
Basics of Neurology: Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Diseases
Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVAVetScope -
Pain: See it. Treat it.
Matt Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVAVetScope